"Get Empowered: A Practical Guide to Thrive, Heal, and Embrace Your Confidence in a Sexist World," by Nadia Telsey and Lauren R. Taylor (Penguin Random House, 2023).
Ms. Blog
The Power of Feminist Self-Defense (Lauren R. Taylor, 2019)
How Do YOU Respond to Street Harassment? Here Are Some Suggestions, (Lauren R. Taylor and Holly Kearl, 2014)
A Plea to Those Who Love Bill Cosby (Meg Stone, 2015)
Preventing Sexual Violence Against People with Disabilities: Empowerment Self-Defense, Risk Reduction Education and Organizational Change, Chapter 15 in Sexual Assault Risk Reduction and Resistance. L. Orchowski and C. Gidycz, Eds., Eslevier (Meg Stone, 2018)
IMPACT Chicago blog
IMPACT Chicago Comment on Title IX Proposed Changes (Martha Thompson, 2019)
Empowering ≠ Empowerment Self-Defense (Martha Thompson, 2018)
IMPACT Chicago View of Empowerment Self-Defense (Martha Thompson, 2017)
Empowerment Self-Defense Advocacy Coalition (Martha Thompson, 2016)
Empowerment Self-Defense is Primary Prevention (Martha Thompson, 2016)
Responding to Self-Defense Critics (Martha Thompson, 2015)
What’s the Fuss About? Controversies about Self-Defense Against Sexual Assault (Martha Thompson, 2014)
The Washington Post
5 tips for empowerment from a self-defense coach (Lauren R. Taylor, 2024)
What to say — and what not to say — when someone tells you they have been sexually assaulted (Lauren R. Taylor, 2018)
Without alcohol, we’d still have rape (Lauren R. Taylor and Jessica Raven, 2016)
The NRA’s Fear-Driven Narrative Doesn’t Make Us Safer (Meg Stone, 2015)
Actually, Miss USA is right: Self-defense can prevent sexual assaults (Lauren Taylor + Lynne Marie Wanamaker, 2014)
The Assertive Response to ‘Hey Baby,’ (Lauren R. Taylor, 2003)
Walking Out on Spouse Abuse (Lauren R. Taylor, 2000)
Campus Safety Project: Strategies, recommendations, and obstacles in addressing gender-based violence on US campuses (Clara Porter and Cathy Plourde, 2017) in: Eliminating Gender-based Violence, Routledge in Eliminating Gender-Based Violence by Ann Taket (editor), Beth R. Crisp (contributor), Routledge
Prevention, resistance, recovery, revolution: Feminist empowerment self-defense (Lynne Marie Wanamaker, 2017) in: Eliminating Gender-based Violence, Routledge in Eliminating Gender-Based Violence by Ann Taket (editor), Beth R. Crisp (contributor), Routledge
Protest Safety Training Guide (Susan “George” Schorn, 2017)
Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender & Sexuality Studies: Violence Against Women, Movements Against (Martha Thompson, 2016)
Role Reboot: Teaching Rape Prevention in the Year of Brock Turner & Owen Labrie: Where are all the Adults? (Meg Stone, 2016)
Why Was It So Easy for me to Believe that Josh Duggar Had Abused Children? (Meg Stone, 2015)
Huffington Post: Why colleges Should Pay More Attention to the quality of Self-Defense training and No Means No Especially When It Comes from A Child (Meg Stone, 2015)
Jezebel: A Look Inside The Terrible Manual Cops Use to Teach “Rape Prevention” (Susan “George” Schorn, 2015)
McSweeney’s: Show Us the Money, (Susan “George” Schorn, 2015)
Campus Rape Crisis: What’s Missing from the White House Sexual Violence Plan? (Meg Stone, 2014)
To Stop the Next Shooting, Gun Rights Advocates Must Be Part of the Solution (Meg Stone, 2014)
The Day I Did Nothing (Meg Stone, 2014)
Everyday Feminism
How to Exercise Our Right to Defend Ourselves without Being Victim-Blaming (Lauren Taylor + Lynne Marie Wanamaker, 2014)
Memo to White Women: Don’t Be George Zimmerman (Lauren R. Taylor, 2013)
Prudence Doesn’t Know Best About Rape Prevention: 3 Actual Tools (Lauren R. Taylor, 2013)
Why It Can Be Hard to Say ‘No’ And How to Do It Anyways, Everyday Feminism (Lauren R. Taylor, 2012)
The Hairpin: The Shark Has Pretty Teeth, Dear: Why I Teach Women Self-Defense and
The Limitations of Eve Ensler’s Dance-Based Activism, (Susan “George” Schorn, 2014)
See Jane Fight Back: Falling Short: The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault (Martha Thompson, 2014)
Empowering Self-Defense Training: Violence Against Women Special Issue on Self-Defense (Martha Thompson, 2014)
Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocates annual training conference: Empowerment for Victim Advocates (Lauren R. Taylor, 2019)
Microbe/American Society for Microbiology Annual Conference: No Means No: How to stop harassment and bullying (Lauren R. Taylor, 2019)
Natl. Conference for College Women Student Leaders/American Assn. of University Women: Assert Yourself--stopping harassment and getting what you want; Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment; Empowerment Self Defense for College Women; and Sexual Harassment: Stepping up and speaking out (Clara Porter and Lauren R. Taylor with Defend Yourself trainers, 2017-2020)
National Sexual Assault Conference
Healing Indigenous Communities Through Empowerment Self-Defense (Nicole Lovato/Resolve, an IMPACT organization Santa Fe, and Shanda Poitra, Sara Rae Davis, Wesley Davis, and James Decoteau, Turtle Mountain Empowerment Self-Defense, 2019)
The Power of Our Bodies: An Empowerment Self-Defense Workshop (Clara Porter and Patti Giggans 2019)
Staying Safe and Sane while Supporting Survivors: Empowerment Self-Defense for Advocates (Melissa Morales/Peace Over Violence, Meg Stone, Lauren R. Taylor, 2019)
Embodying Resistance: Self-Defense Training for Social Justice (Darlene DeFour & Zoe Muñoz, and Martha Thompson, 2018)
The Neurobiology of Bravery: How Teaching People to Manage their Stress Response Can Create More Effective Bystanders (Patti Giggans and Meg Stone, 2018)
Healing from Sexual Trauma: A Movement-Based, Empowerment Self-Defense Approach (Yvette Lonzano/Peace Over Violence, Clara Porter, and Lauren Taylor, 2018)
Healing Through Empowerment (Clara Porter and Melissa Morales 2018)
Transforming Discussions around Safety: Moving Beyond Harmful Safety Tips (Alena Schaim and Lauren Taylor, 2016)
Collaborating with the Disability Service System to Prevent Sexual Assault and Support Survivors (Meg Stone with Keith Jones, 2016)
Bringing the Disability Rights and Anti-Sexual Violence Movements Together (Meg Stone with Stephanie Decandia and Chris Hall, 2015)
Self-Defense Instructors’ Conference (National Women’s Martial Arts Federation)
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (2019), Healing Through Empowerment (2018), Workplace Safety Training (2016), Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention (2014), ESD Model Class (Clara Porter and Joy Williamson, 2012)
#TimesUp: Challenging and Reforming Institutional Sexual Abuse (Anne Kuzminsky and Arlene Limas, 2018)
Self-Defense Research & Evaluation: Understanding It, Using It, Doing It (Jocelyn Hollander and Martha Thompson, 2018)
Safe Bars: Bystander intervention extends our reach (Lauren R. Taylor, 2018)
Empowerment self-defense and Intersectionality (Darlene DeFour, Amelia Jones, Nadia Telsey, and Martha Thompson, 2018)
Queer 101: Including LGBTQ/GNC+ people in Empowerment Self-Defense work (Lauren R. Taylor, 2018)
Prevention, Workplace Safety, ABCs of ESD (Martha Thompson, 2016)
Integrated Model of Violence Prevention. (Jocelyn Hollander, Meg Stone and Martha Thompson, 2016)
Empowerment Self Defense Model Course: Creating Safer Spaces; Physical Power and Self-Defense; Setting and Maintaining Boundaries; Dating Violence Social Justice and Self-Defense (Alena Schaim and Martha Thompson, 2015)
Implicit Bias & Micro-Aggressions: Self-Defense Strategies, The Target’s Perspective (Darlene DeFour, 2015)
But I Didn’t Mean It: Microaggression from the Perpetrator’s Perspective (Darlene DeFour, 2015)
Self-Defense Sampler (Anne Kuzminsky, 2015)
Media Portrayals of Violence & Implication for Self-Defense (Alena Schaim and Martha Thompson, 2014)
De-escalation for self-defense (Lauren R. Taylor, 2009)
Empowerment Self-Defense Model Track (Brenda Jones, Marie O’Brien, and Lauren R. Taylor, 2006)
Internalized Oppression and Self Defense Teaching: Our Students, Our Selves (Brenda Jones and Lauren R. Taylor with Carmen Rosario and Molly McClure, 2005)
Applied Micro-Aggressions Defense (Darlene DeFour, 2010)
RALIANCE/PreventConnect webinar: From the SafeSport Law to Your Organizational Policies (Meg Stone, 2019)
Access Recreation Conference: Preventing Sexual Abuse in Adaptive Sports, keynote (Meg Stone, 2019)
National Adaptive Sports Conference: Preventing Sexual Abuse in Adaptive Sports (Meg Stone, 2018)
Association of Independent Schools of New England: Challenging Conversations for Abuse Prevention and Boundaries: Creating Safety for Students and Sanity for Yourself (Meg Stone, 2018)
PreventConnect webinar: Changing the Culture of Schools, Churches, and Communities (Meg Stone, 2018)
Creating Change/Natl. LGBTQ Task Force: Claiming our power: Using social justice-oriented self-defense for liberation (Lauren R. Taylor with Tish Tabb/Center for Anti-Violence Education, 2018)
International Association of Social Work with Groups: Empowerment Self Defense as a Healing Tool for Groups (Clara Porter, 2016)
National Trauma Center Conference (Bessel van der Kolk): IMPACT: Trauma-Informed Self-Defense (Meg Stone, 2016. 2014)
National Center for Victims of Crime training institute: Self-defense skills for sexual assault and abuse survivors (Lauren Taylor + Lynne Marie Wanamaker, 2015)
Several ESDA members are also members of the Collaborative for Comprehensive Campus Sexual Violence Prevention (CCCSVP). The Collaborative includes leading sexual assault prevention researchers and practitioners on college campuses in the areas of men’s primary prevention programming, women’s self-defense and risk reduction programming, bystander intervention programming, and social marketing initiatives. The prevention work of the Collaborative members is internationally known and includes the development of widely used evidence-based sexual assault prevention initiatives. The overarching vision of the Collaborative is to merge best practices in risk reduction, prevention, and bystander intervention and propose a comprehensive model for college campuses. We participated in the February, 2016, the Collaborative conference at the University of New Hampshire, which was attended by:
Katy Edwards, PhD, University of New Hampshire; Lindsay Orchowski, PhD, Brown University; Anne Kuzminsky, ESDA; Clara Porter, MSW, ESDA, Prevention.Action.Change; Meg Stone, ESDA, IMPACT Boston; Charlene Senn, PhD, University of Windsor; Christine Gidycz, PhD, Ohio University; Sharyn Potter, PhD, MPH University of New Hampshire; Vicki Banyard, PhD, University of New Hampshire; Jocelyn Hollander, PhD, University of Oregon; Dorothy Edwards, PhD, Green Dot; Robert Eckstein, MS, University of New Hampshire; Jane Stapleton, MA, University of New Hampshire; Lee Paiva, No Means No Worldwide
Letter to White House Task Force on to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, Office of the Vice President & White House Council on Women and Girls.
Participation in four White House Task Force Listening Sessions: George, Lynne Marie
D.C. Council holds roundtable on street harassment,” The Washington Post. View Lauren R. Taylor’s testimony here.
Meeting with office of Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) to discuss inclusion of Empowerment Self-Defense in White House Task Forces’ recommendations. (Lee Paiva Sinclair and Lauren Taylor, 2014)
Meeting with Bea Hanson, director of Office on Violence Against Women, Justice Department, and other staff, to discuss role of Empowerment Self-Defense in ending violence against women (Brenda Jones, Lauren Taylor, and Lynne Marie Wanamaker 2016
Empowerment Self-Defense Global Research Summit, Stanford University (organized by Amy Jones, Jennifer Keller, Jocelyn Hollander and Martha Thompson, 2019) and attended by
Jennifer Keller, PhD, Stanford University; Brieanne Beaujolais, MSW and doctoral student, The Ohio State University; Gal Harmat, PhD, World Peace Academy, UN University for Peace, and the Arts and Social Change College; Christine Gidycz, PhD, Ohio University; Jocelyn Hollander, PhD, University of Oregon; Charlene Senn, PhD, University of Windsor; Lindsay Orchowski, PhD, Brown University; Martha Thompson, PhD, Northeastern Illinois University and IMPACT Chicago; Darlene DeFour, PhD, Hunter College; and Amy Jones, MSW, Culture of Safety.